Exposing the Myth of Cyber Attacks Being a Big Business Issue
The days of small businesses ignoring cyber-attacks and data breaches are over. By volume, they are the primary targets.
Articles with insights and tips to help attorneys and law firms improve their practice, adapt to market changes, explore tech, stay informed, and protect it all with tailored insurance solutions.
The days of small businesses ignoring cyber-attacks and data breaches are over. By volume, they are the primary targets.
The threats are increasingly complex and sinister. According to a major carrier, claims increased from $75,000 in Q1-2019 to over $350,000 by Q4-2019.
It may be hard to believe. But the data privacy laws hold you responsible if you’re the customer interface. You have financial liability.
Using professional liability insurance to cover cyber liability claims can be costly, and it may not cover a data breach or cyberattack.
Since they are often used interchangeably, many tend to confuse the two. Is there actually a difference? Yes.
Cyber liability insurance is one of the bargains of the insurance industry. Like an umbrella policy, it provides broad coverage at a low cost.
When was the last time you re-evaluated your firm’s pricing structure? Change is never easy, but this change might be worth the discomfort.
When the shine of running your own law firm fades, you may be left feeling quite alone.
It is imperative for all lawyers and other business owners alike to remember: hackers only need to find one way in.
Unfortunately, data breaches have become part of our everyday vocabulary. It’s never safe to assume that your business isn’t vulnerable.
Discover tips from the latest Cybersecurity Framework report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
One of hackers’ top targets is proving to be the legal industry due to the type and volume of data held by firms and the judicial system.
Begin the experience for yourself: prompt contact from an agent, a no-obligation estimate tailored to your needs, and the professional reliability your business deserves!