
Articles with insights and tips to help attorneys and law firms improve their practice, adapt to market changes, explore tech, stay informed, and protect it all with tailored insurance solutions.

Lawyer and client shaking hands

How Lawyers Can Increase Client Retention by Using a Service Hub

Now is the time for tech-savvy firms to set themselves apart from the crowd and take control of their customer retention.

Graphic depicting hacking

What Law Firms Should Learn From the SolarWinds Hack

A single intern collapsed US cybersecurity. That’s one lesson from the SolarWinds hack. The greater lesson is that the vulnerability was known a year earlier, and nobody took any action.

Professional woman typing on a computer

Legal Case Management Software vs. Customer Relationship Management Software (or CRM)

Purchasing software is challenging for any business and it’s even harder for law firms. However, the latest software is critical for keeping your firm competitive.

Professional using legal case management software

Integrating Legal Case Management Software in Your Law Firm

You can run a successful firm without practice management software. But you’d be denying yourself access to the biggest force multiplier available to today’s law firms.

How Productizing Legal Services Can Help Firm Profitability

As states change regulations the legal services industry is being primed to become a buyers’ market. Law firms need to be prepared to adapt their business models to changing times.

Changes in Arizona May Be Coming to a State Near You and What This Means for Your Law Practice

Arizona’s new legislation is just the beginning. Disruptive companies are coming for the industry. Firms that don’t adapt to this disruption are going to lose.

Legal gavel

High Risk Areas of Practice (AOPs) with Respect to Professional Liability Insurance

Insight from a seasoned agent on how insurance carriers categorize different AOPs, and how these factors can contribute to the calculation of your overall premium.

How Attorneys Should Approach Malpractice Claims

Your Professional Liability Insurance carrier is on your side. You have the same goals: to minimize liability and mitigate the claim damage.

Practical Steps to Potentially Reduce Professional Liability Insurance Premiums

There are many factors that contribute to making a firm more or less attractive to insurance carriers. The good news is you can control a lot of them.

wooden law offices sign

How Sharing Office Space with Other Attorneys Can Cost You More Than You Expected

You’ve been sued … by a client you never had … for damages in a case you never worked. So, why are they suing you?

two attorneys sitting at desk discussing lawsuit/paperwork

Reducing Exposure from a Shared Office Space and Responding to a Suit

Reducing Exposure from a Shared Office Space and Responding to a Suit

5 Key Changes in Professional Liability Insurance for Lawyers Going into 2021

We can’t predict the future. But we’ve been selling Professional Liability Insurance since 1978, and 42 years of experience leads us to expect these 5 potential changes as we move into 2021.

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